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What is Peaka Pong?

Peaka Pong is a combination of table tennis and pickleball. We strive to inspire a new era of play that promotes fitness, friendship, and joy!

Our mission is to create a vibrant, inclusive community where players of all skill levels can connect, compete, and enjoy the excitement of table tennis and pickleball.

How to Play

1 | Everyone must use a PeakaPong racket. The hitting surface cannot be altered.
2 | Each point starts with the service. To serve:
  • Hold the ball with your non-racket hand.
  • Toss the ball straight up, without spinning it. Don't toss the ball at your racket.
  • As the ball drops, hit the ball so it bounces first on your half of the table, then over the net and onto your opponent's half of the table.
  • If the ball touches the net or net post between the first and second bounces, call "Let" and replay the point.
  • During the entire serve up until you hit the ball, the ball must be above the table, behind the end line, and visible to your opponent. Some part of the racket must also be visible to the opponent during the serve.
3 | After the serve, each player takes turns returning the ball until someone wins the point: Let the ball bounce on your half of the table, then hit it over or around the net onto your opponent's half of the table.
4 | You win the point if your opponent does any of the following:
  • doesn’t serve correctly;

  • touches the ball with something other than the racket held in the hand;

  • hits the ball before it bounces on their half of the table, or lets it bounce more than once on their half of the table;

  • deliberately hits the ball twice in a row - this isn't volleyball!;

  • their shot hits something besides the net or net post (such as a wall) before it bounces on your half of the table;

  • fails to return the ball onto your half of the table. You should let the ball hit the ground, net, or something else before declaring the point over.

5 | Alternate the server after every point. Before you serve, it’s normal to call out the score; say your own score first, then your opponent’s.
6 | At the beginning of the match, toss a coin, or use some other random method such as rock-paper scissors or guess which hand is holding the ball. The player who wins the coin toss makes a choice: Decide who serves first, or decide which half of the table to play on. The other player has the remaining choice.
7 | The first player to score 7 points wins a game. You don't need to win by a margin of 2 points; there is no "deuce".
8 | After each game, switch to the other side of the table. The person who served first in the previous game will receive first in the next game.
9 | The match is won by the first player to win a predetermined number of games.
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